Browsing by Author Sayyed, RZ

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Differentiation of toxigenic and atoxigenic Aspergillus flavus: Polyphasic approach, a new dimensionNaik, MK; Prasad, GR Guru; Jadhav, HP; Hashem, A; Abd_Allah, Elsayed F; Sayyed, RZIJEB Vol.56(12) [December 2018]892-898
Dynamism of PGPR in bioremediation and plant growth promotion in heavy metal contaminated soilPatel, PR; Shaikh, SS; Sayyed, RZIJEB Vol.54(04) [April 2016]286-290
Heavy metal stress tolerance in Enterobacter sp. PR14 is mediated by plasmidSagar, A; Riyazuddin, R; Shukla, PK; Ramteke, PW; Sayyed, RZIJEB Vol.58(02) [February 2020]115-121
Induced systemic resistance by 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol positive fluorescent Pseudomonas strains against rice sheath blightReshma, P; Naik, MK; Aiyaz, M; Niranjana, SR; Chennappa, G; Shaikh, SS; Sayyed, RZIJEB Vol.56(03) [March 2018]207-212
Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) regions: A powerful tool for analysis of the diversity of wheat genotypesAhmadi, Hasan; Solouki, Mahmood; Fazeli-Nasab, Bahman; Heidari, Forozan; Sayyed, RZIJEB Vol.60(02) [Feb 2022]137-143
Neem cake carrier prolongs shelf life of biocontrol fungus Trichoderma viridaeZope, VP; Jadhav, HP; Sayyed, RZIJEB Vol.57(05) [May 2019]372-375
Poly-β-hydroxybutyrate biodegradation by mixed culture population vis-à-vis single culture population under varying environmental conditions: A new approachGangurde, NS; Patil, YP; Jain, R; Sayyed, RZIJEB Vol.55(05) [May 2017]311-320
Production, purification and kinetics of chitinase of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia isolated from rhizospheric soilShaikh, SS; Wani, SJ; Sayyed, RZ; Thakur, R; Gulati, AIJEB Vol.56(04) [April 2018]274-278