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Anomaly in the long distance 40 kHz radio wave propagationDe, B K; Sarkar, S KIJRSP Vol.23(4) [August 1994]272-274
Anomaly in vlf Atmospherics during Flood-rainy Days over Calcutta during 27-30 September 1978Sen, A K; Sarkar, S K; Bhattacharya, A BIJRSP Vol.08(4) [August 1979]139-142
Application of classical two-ray and other models for coverage predictions of rural mobile communications over various zones of IndiaPrasad, M V S N; Ratnamala, K; Gupta, M M; Sarkar, S KIJRSP Vol.36(5) [October 2007]423-429
Bloom of Trichodesmium erythraeum (Ehr.) and its impact on water quality and plankton community structure in the coastal waters of southeast coast of IndiaMohanty, A K; Satpathy, K K; Sahu, G; Hussain, K J; Prasad, M V R; Sarkar, S KIJMS Vol.39(3) [September 2010]323-333
Centimetre and millimeter wave attenuation due to rainfall on earth-space path over DelhiSarkar, S K; Ahmed, Iqbal; Prasad, M V S N; Dutta, H N; Reddy, B MIJRSP Vol.22(6) [December 1993]369-373
Clear air interference predictions in tropospheric radio wave propagation: Indian experiencesPrasad, M V S N; Sarkar, S KIJRSP Vol.25(6) [December 1996]328-335
Cloud attenuation and cloud noise temperature over some Indian eastern stations for satellite communicationKumar, Anil; Sarkar, S KIJRSP Vol.36(5) [October 2007]375-378
Comparative Evaluation of Peroxidation of Sesame and Cottonseed Oil Induced by Different Methods of HeatingShanmugasundaram, B; Singh, V K; Shrestha, S; Sarkar, S K; Jeevaratnam, K; Koner, B CJSIR Vol.78(03) [March 2019]162-165
A Comparative Study on the 27-day Cycle Variation in Solar Activities Calcium Plage: Sunspots & Radio EmissionGupta, M K Das; Mitra, Rita; Sarkar, S KIJRSP Vol.08(5&6) [October & December 1979]375-378
Comparison of evaporation duct models to compute duct height over Arabian sea and Bay of BengalPasricha, P K; Prasad, M V S N; Sarkar, S KIJRSP Vol.31(3) [June 2002]155-158
Comparison of rain attenuation prediction method for earth-space paths over northern IndiaPrasad, M V S N; Sarkar, S K; Sain, Mangal; Reddy, B MIJRSP Vol.23(2) [April 1994]135-141
Comparison of the outage probabilities of some prediction methods with the observed probability of a digital microwave link in western IndiaPrasad, M V S N; Sarkar, S K; Sarma, A DIJRSP Vol.27(4) [August 1998]141-143
Diffraction patterns observed in VHF signal propagationDas, J; De, A K; Deb, N C; Majumdar, D Dutta; Sen, A K; Sarkar, S K; Dutta, H N; Reddy, B MIJRSP Vol.18(1) [February 1989]10-13
Double knife edge diffraction propagation studies over irregular terrainPrasad, M V S N; Rao, S V Bhaskara; Rao, T Rama; Sarkar, S K; Sharma, SureshIJRSP Vol.33(3) [June 2004]180-184
Echo Sounding of the Lower Atmosphere: Preliminary Studies A Study of Thermal PlumesSomal, H S; Singh, Darshan; Dhillon, G S; Gurm, H S; Dutta, H N; Sarkar, S KIJRSP Vol.10(4) [August 1981]137-143
Echosonde: Design & DevelopmentGurm, H S; Somal, H S; Singh, Darshan; Dhillon, G S; Dutra, H N; Sarkar, S K; Reddy, B MIJRSP Vol.11(3) [June 1982]106-111
Ecology of Chaetognaths in the Hooghly Estuary, Bay of BengalSarkar, S K; Singh, B N; Choudhury, AIJMS Vol.14(2) [June 1985]98-101
Effect of Fresnel zone clearance on propagation characteristics of microwave links in hilly terrainsRao, D Narayana; Reddy, K Krishna; Ravi, K S; Rao, S V B; Murthy, M J Kesava; Sarkar, S K; Dutta, H N; Reddy, B MIJRSP Vol.20(1) [February 1991]29-38
Effect of sea breeze on propagation characteristics over a LOS microwave link located in Indian south-east coastRao, T Rama; Rao, S Vijaya Bhaskara; Prasad, M V S N; Sarkar, S K; Lakshmi, D RIJRSP Vol.28(3) [June 1999]113-118
Effects of solar 10.7 cm radio flux and solar magnetic field on low frequency signal propagationDe, B K; Sarkar, S KIJRSP Vol.23(3) [June 1994]213-216