Browsing by Author Sanghi, Rashmi

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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Combinatorial synthesis of the peptidomimetic inhibitors of HIV 1 proteaseIqbal, Javed; Mukhopadhyay, Manoj; Das, Bhaskar C; Rajesh, S; De, Asit; Sanghi, Rashmi; Jain, Swati; Nandy, Jyoti PIJC-A Vol.36A(06) [June 1997]498-506
Combinatorial synthesis of the peptidomimetic inhibitors of HIV 1 proteaseIqbal, Javed; Mukhopadhyay, Manoj; Das, Bhaskar C; Rajesh, S; De, Asit; Sanghi, Rashmi; Jain, Swati; Nandy, Jyoti PIJC-B Vol.36B(06) [June 1997]498-506
Comparative Evaluation of Activated Carbon with Natural Adsorbents for the Decolorisation of Dye SolutionSanghi, Rashmi; Bhattacharya, BaniJSIR Vol.61(06) [June 2002]432-436
Hydroquinone O-β-D-xylopyranoside from Centipeda minimaSanghi, Rashmi; Srivastava, Punita; Singh, JIJC-B Vol.40B(09) [September 2001]857-859
A novel naphthalene glucoside from Cassia javanica stem barkSanghi, Rashmi; Singh, Rahul; Singh, JIJC-B Vol.39B(04) [April 2000]321-322
New triterpenoid, O-β-D-xylopyranosides from Cassia auriculataSanghi, Rashmi; Tripathi, Kamna; Sharma, J PIJC-B Vol.39B(06) [June 2000]477-479
Two new O-β-D-glycosides from the stem bark of Cassia javanicaSanghi, Rashmi; Singh, Rahul; Singh, JIJC-B Vol.38B(04) [April 1999]521-524
Structure Elucidation of Bacterial Polysaccharides by NMR and Mass Spectrometry - A ReviewSanghi, Rashmi; Dhar, Durga NathJSIR Vol.60(06) [June 2001]463-492
Triterpenoid and acetophenone glycosides from Cassia sopheraSanghi, Rashmi; Srivastava, Punita; Singh, JIJC-B Vol.41B(07) [July 2002]1535-1539