Browsing by Author Saha, S

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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Correlation and modulation of Ehrlich ascites tumor growth with tumor-plasma IgAGhosh, A K; Saha, SIJEB Vol.38(04) [April 2000]313-322
Enhancement of metastatic potential of mouse B-16-melanoma cells to lung after treatment with gangliosides of B-16-melanoma cells of higher metastatic potential to lungSaha, S; Mohanty, K CIJEB Vol.41(11) [November 2003]1253-1258
Gangliosides enhance migration of mouse B 16-melanoma cells through artificial basement membrane alone or in presence of laminin or fibronectinSaha, S; Mohanty, K C; Mallick, PIJEB Vol.43(12) [December 2005]1130-1138
Modeling of gas-solid reactions for ellipsoidal particlesSaha, S; Basu, S K; Gupta, S Das; De, SIJEMS Vol.12(1) [February 2005]37-41
Morphological and genetic diversity of pole type common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) landraces of Mizoram (India)Dutta, Sudip Kumar; Singh, S B; Chatterjee, Dibyendu; Boopathi, T; Singh, A R; Saha, SIJBT Vol.15(4) [October 2016]550-559
Regioselective synthesis of [4b, 12c-cis] -Δ6a,12b -4b,5, 12c, 13-tetrahydropyrano[2,3-c : 4,5-c']bis [1]benzopyran-7-oneMajumdar, K C; Chatterjee, P; Saha, S; Samanta, S KIJC-B Vol.40B(10) [October 2001]915-918
Secretion of metastasis related gangliosides by mouse B16-melanoma in circulation in vivo and in culture media in vitroSaha, S; Mohanty, K CIJEB Vol.42(10) [October 2004]976-980
Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L., Fabaceae), landraces of Lushai hills in India: Nutrients and antioxidants source for the farmersDutta, S K; Chatterjee, Dibyendu; Sarkar, D; Singh, S B; Boopathi, T; Kuotsu, Rukuosietuo; Vikramjeet, K; Akoijam, R S; Saha, S; Vanlalhmangaiha; Malsawmzuali; Chowdhury, S; LungmuanaIJTK Vol.15(2) [April 2016]313-320
Suppression of Ehrlich ascites tumor growth by immunization with ganglioside GT1b of its origin, its IgM antibody or anti-idiotype of the anti-GT1b IgMSaha, S; Mondal, SIJEB Vol.38(12) [December 2000]1207-1216