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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Decolourization of dyes by Alcaligenes faecalis and Bacillus flexus isolated from textile effluentSaini, Shikha; Battan, Bindu; Rashmi; Maan, Shallu; Sharma, JitenderIJEB Vol.56(11) [November 2018]820-826
Evaluation of antidiabetic activity of Euphorbia hirta Linn. in streptozotocin induced diabetic miceKumar, Sunil; Rashmi; Kumar, DIJNPR Vol.1(2) [June 2010]200-203
Modelling of threshold voltage adjustment in fully depleted double gate (DG) SOI MOSFETs in volume inversion to quantify requirements of gate materialsKranti, Abhinav; Rashmi; Haldar, S; Gupta, R SIJPAP Vol.42(03) [March 2004]211-220
Modified Cold Percolation Method for Extracting Oil from Oil SeedsKalia, V C; Lal, Sadhana; RashmiJSIR Vol.61(08) [August 2002]630-634
Nano-structured ZnO films by sol-gel processBahadur, Harish; Srivastava, A K; Haranath, Divi; Chander, Harish; Basu, A; Samanta, S B; Sood, K N; Kishore, Ram; Sharma, R K; Rashmi; Bhatt, Vivekanand; Pal, Prem; Chandra, SudhirIJPAP Vol.45(4) [April 2007]395-399
Radon activity and exhalation rates in Indian fly ash samplesKant, K; Rashmi; Sonkawade, R G; Chauhan, R P; Chakarvarti, S K; Sharma, G SIJPAP Vol.48(07) [July 2010]457-462
Radon activity and radiation dose level in the slate mines in aravali range in IndiaKant, K; Kuriakose, Sini; Rashmi; Sharma, G SIJPAP Vol.48(07) [July 2010]463-465
Phytochemical standardization of Diploknema butyracea (Roxb.) H.J. Lam. seeds by HPTLC techniqueRashmi; Tyagi, SapnaIJNPR Vol.6(4) [December 2015]299-304
Using Enzymes for Oil Recovery from Edible SeedsKalia, V C; Rashmi; Lal, Sadhana; Gupta, M NJSIR Vol.60(04) [April 2001]298-310