Browsing by Author Raina, M K

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Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Annual and annual-worst month attenuation statistics at 11 and 18 GHz on an earth-space path over DelhiRaina, M KIJRSP Vol.24(1) [February 1995]21-23
Atmospheric Emission Measurements for Rain Attenuation Using Microwave Radiometer at 11 GHzRaina, M K; Uppal, G SIJRSP Vol.09(3) [June 1980]77-79
Design and development of a 60 MHz pre- and IF amplifier with a detector for a microwave receiverRaina, M K; Raina, SushilIJRSP Vol.29(6) [December 2000]363-366
Design and fabrication of a low noise amplifier for a microwave receiverRaina, M K; Inamdar, S S; Raina, SushilIJRSP Vol.32(3) [June 2003]172-176
Estimation of Water Vapour Attenuation Variations at Microwave FrequenciesRaina, M KIJRSP Vol.17(4) [August 1988]129-131
Evaluation of refractivity profile using Hankel transform as a techniqueRaina, M KIJRSP Vol.27(5) [October 1998]224-232
Microwave Attenuation Statistics due to Rain along Earth-Space PathChadha, R; Uppal, G S; Raina, M KIJRSP Vol.12(2) [April 1983]37-39
Predicted visibility due to fog by microwave radiometric measurements at 9.6 GHzRaina, M KIJRSP Vol.19(1) [February 1990]38-40
Radiosonde Measurements of Water Vapour Content over Northern Regions of India & an Intercomparison with Radiometer Observations for New DelhiRaina, M K; Dubey, Vandana; Uppal, G S; Chadha, RIJRSP Vol.10(2) [April 1981]41-44
Vertical and slant path rain attenuation measurements by microwave radiometer at 11 GHzRaina, M KIJRSP Vol.20(6) [December 1991]405-408
Water vapour distribution over India using SAMIR data on board Bhaskara II satellite and its comparison with upward looking ground-based microwave radiometric measurements at 22.235 GHZ over New DelhiRaina, M K; Ghosh, A BIJRSP Vol.22(4) [August 1993]239-242