Browsing by Author Prasad, R B N

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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Esterification of free fatty acids present in Jatropha oil: A kinetic studyNeeharika, T S V R; Bhimjiyani, Vidhi H; Dole, Bhushan R; Rani, K N Prasanna; Karadbhajne, V Y; Prasad, R B NIJCT Vol.24(2) [March 2017]213-217
Esters of petroselinic acid containing Trachyspermum copticum seed oil: Potential industrial lubricant base stocksRao, P G Prabhakara; Kamalakar, K; Jyothirmayi, T; Karuna, M S L; Prasad, R B NIJC-B Vol.59B(01) [January 2020]126-134
A mild and efficient synthesis of bis(indolyl)methane derivatives catalyzed by monoammonium salt of 12-tungstophosphoric acidGiri, B Y; Devi, B L A Prabhavathi; Vijayalakshmi, K; Prasad, R B N; Lingaiah, N; Prasad, P S SaiIJC-B Vol.51B(12) December 2012]1731-1737
Synthesis and biological evaluation of some new N-fatty acyl derivatives of 4,5-dimethoxy tryptamineVenepally, Vijayendar; Prasad, R B N; Poornachandra, Y; Kumar, C Ganesh; Jala, Ram Chandra ReddyIJC-B Vol.56B(05) [May 2017]531-541
Synthesis and cytotoxic evaluation of cholesteryl 6-O-acyl-β--galactopyranosidesVudhgiri, Srikanth; Dhevendar, Koude; Misra, Sunil; Prasad, R B N; Jala, Ram Chandra ReddyIJC-B Vol.57B(01) [January 2018]91-97
Synthesis and cytotoxic evaluation of undecenoic acid-based oxime estersVijayendar, Venepally; Kaki, Shiva Shanker; Krishna, E Vamshi; Misra, Sunil; Prasad, R B N; Jala, Ram Chandra ReddyIJC-B Vol.57B(08) [August 2018]1015-1022
Vegetable oil-based ethanolamides as potential anti-oxidant additives for lubricant formulationsKotte, Kamalakar; Azmeera, Thirupathi; Prasad, R B N; Karuna, M S LIJC Vol.62(09) [September 2023]921-930