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Characteristics of travelling ionospheric disturbances observed in total electron content over WaltairRao, P V S Rama; Prasad, D S V V DIJRSP Vol.21(1) [February 1992]47-52
Characteristics of VHF scintillations in the Indian equatorial and low latitude stationsPrasad, D S V V D; Brahmanandam, P S; Venkateswarlu, K; Niranjan, K; Rao, P V S RamaIJRSP Vol.33(3) [June 2004]158-169
Co-ordinated observations of VHF scintillations in India during February-March 1993Kumar, Sushil; Gwal, A K; Rao, P V S Rama; Jaychandran, P T; Prasad, D S V V D; Sing, R P; Singh, U P; Dasgupta, A; Basu, K; Sethuraman, R; Pathan, B M; Rao, D R K; Banola, S; Kesava Rao, P S; Naidu, Appala; Tyagi, T R; Vijaykumar, P N; Chandra, H; Vyas, G D; Singh, Birbal; Chauhan, Pawan; Iyer, K N; Pathak, K N; Shalgaonkar, C S; Vyas, B M; Rastogi, R GIJRSP Vol.29(1) [February 2000]22-29
Day-to-day variability of ionospheric electron content over WaltairPrasad, D S V V D; Rao, P V S RamaIJRSP Vol.22(6) [December 1993]391-396
Diurnal and seasonal variations in sporadic E-layer (Es layer) occurrences over equatorial, low and mid latitude stations - A comparative studyPrasad, S N V S; Prasad, D S V V D; Venkatesh, K; Niranjan, K; Rao, P V S RamaIJRSP Vol.41(1) [February 2012]26-38
Diurnal, seasonal and solar cycle variations of ionospheric electron content over an Indian low latitude station, WaltairPrasad, D S V V D; Rao, P V S RamaIJRSP Vol.31(1) [February 2002]15-20
Short term variability in foF2 and TEC over low latitude stations in the Indian sectorSaranya, P L; Prasad, D S V V D; Niranjan, K; Rao, P V S RamaIJRSP Vol.44(1) [March 2015]14-27
Study of ionospheric electron content (IEC) depletions and their association with VHF scintillationsRao, P V S Rama; Rao, B V Ramana; Prasad, D S V V DIJRSP Vol.22(4) [August 1993]259-266
A study on the zonal movements of ionospheric irregularities using two simultaneous geo-stationary satellite signalsRao, P V S Rama; Rao, B V Ramana; Prasad, D S V V DIJRSP Vol.29(2) [April 2000]66-70
TEC and Equivalent Slab-Thickness at Low & Midlatitudes A Comparative StudyPrasad, D S V V D; Niranjan, K; Rao, P V S RamaIJRSP Vol.16(4) [August 1987]295-299