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Circularity Factor of Indian and Crossbred Wools in Relation to Major Axis of Cross-sectionChopra, S K; Parthasarathy, SIJFTR Vol.11(2) [June 1986]90-93
Classification research: A survey of recent developmentsParthasarathy, SALIS Vol.12(4) [December 1965]189-197
Colon Classification in retrospectParthasarathy, SALIS Vol.04(1) [March 1957]13-18
Comparison of Stress-Strain Characteristics of Indian Wool at Definite Diameter IntervalsParthasarathy, S; Bapna, D LIJFTR Vol.07(4) [December 1982]133-135
Depth classification 16. Packet notationParthasarathy, SALIS Vol.02(4) [December 1955]109-111
Determination of Percentage of Medullated Fibres in WoolPatni, P C; Parthasarathy, S; Bapna, D LIJFTR Vol.07(4) [December 1982]136-137
Dynamic Modulus of Chokla Wool Fibres by Sonic Pulse MethodChopra, S K; Singh, U S; Bapna, D L; Parthasarathy, SIJFTR Vol.10(3) [September 1985]120-121
Effect of Chemical Treatment on Dynamic Modulus of Indian and Exotic WoolsChopra, S K; Parthasarathy, S; Bapna, D LIJFTR Vol.13(1) [March 1988]21-22
End-Use Performance of Some Indian and Crossbred Sheep WoolsPatni, P C; Pokharna, A K; Bapna, D L; Parthasarathy, S; Mathur, J P; Arora, R K; Malhi, R S; Singh, V PIJFTR Vol.06(3) [September 1981]124-128
Fibre Fineness of Some Corriedale Crossbred Sheep WoolsPatni, P C; Bapna, D L; Parthasarathy, S; Gupta, V KIJFTR Vol.08(1) [March 1983]25-26
Field documentation: A technical report on INSDOC - NML projectParthasarathy, S; Dutta, S; Raizada, A S; Ramachandran, MALIS Vol.11(1-3) [March-September 1964]17-22
Fluorescence and reflectance of Indian wools at 45°Parthasarathy, S; Chopra, S K; Gupta, D C; Surya, A KIJFTR Vol.17(1) [March 1992]54-55
A grammar of depth classificationParthasarathy, SALIS Vol.05(4) [December 1958]122-131
Limitations to standard on indexingParthasarathy, SALIS Vol.07(1) [March 1960]31-32
National Information System for Science and TechnologyParthasarathy, SALIS Vol.22(4) [December 1975]179-184
Persian namesParthasarathy, SALIS Vol.06(2) [June 1959]63-64
Physical Characteristics of Wools of Native and Crossbred SheepSingh, V P; Patni, P C; Mathur, J P; Parthasarathy, SIJFTR Vol.05(2) [June 1980]57-60
Relationship between Stress-Strain Parameters and Fibre Characteristics in WoolsParthasarathy, S; Bapna, D L; Patni, P CIJFTR Vol.05(4) [December 1980]138-139
Second International study conference on classification research : - A reviewParthasarathy, SALIS Vol.12(3) [September 1965]151-153
Stress-Strain Characteristics of Avikalin Sheep Wool Yarn in Air and Water after DyeingSingh, U S; Parthasarathy, S; Patni, P C; Bapna, D LIJFTR Vol.10(1) [March 1985]10-14