Browsing by Author Narula, A K

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Aroylhydrazone derivatives of hafnocene dichlorideNarula, A K; Lukose, P; Vermani, O PIJC-A Vol.33A(02) [February 1994]173-175
Curing and thermal behaviour of epoxy resin in the presence of aromatic imide-aminesSharma, Pooja; Kukreja, Parveen; Choudhary, Veena; Narula, A KIJEMS Vol.12(3) [June 2005]259-264
Effect of structure of diamide-diimide-diamines based on L-methionine on curing behaviour and thermal stability of DGEBADarshan; Malhotra, Priti; Narula, A KIJC-B Vol.48B(06) [June 2009]893-903
Effect of structure on the mechanical and thermal properties of glass fabric reinforced silicon containing epoxy resinsKhurana, Parveen; Aggarwal, S; Narula, A K; Choudhary, VeenaIJEMS Vol.09(5) [October 2002]369-374
Heterocarboxylates of molybdenum and tungsten nitrosyl halidesNarula, A K; Lukose, Pushpamma; Vermani, O PIJC-A Vol.33A(03) [March 1994]263-265
Heterocarboxylates of unsymmetrical tin(IV) aluminium(III)-μ-oxoisopropoxyacetate and unsymmetrical tin(IV) aluminium(III)-μ-oxoisopropoxideAggrawal, Deepali S; Narula, A KIJC-A Vol.42A(05) [May 2003]1068-1071
Reactions of Niobium & Tantalum Penta-chlorides with Hydroxy EstersNarula, A K; Singh, B; Kapoor, P N; Kapoor, R NIJC-A Vol.22A(02) [February 1983]166-168
Some trans-Cinnamic & Dihydrocinnamic Acid Derivatives of Aluminium(III) & Titanium(IV)Singh, R; Narula, A K; Kapoor, R N; Kapoor, P NIJC-A Vol.22A(02) [February 1983]156-158
Alcoholate derivatives of bimetallic [Sn(IV),Al(III)] -μ-oxoisopropoxy acetate and -μ-oxoisopropoxideDeepali; Bansal, A; Aggarwal, S; Narula, A KIJC-A Vol.39A(08) [August 2000]883-885
Heterocarboxylates of dibutyltin(IV) aluminium (III) -μ-oxoisopropoxy acetate and dibutyltin (IV) aluminium (III) –μ– oxoisopropoxideAggarwal, A; Sonika; Aggarwal, S; Narula, A KIJC-A Vol.38A(12) [December 1999]1283-1285
Structural studies on 5- and 6-coordinated unsymmetrical diorganotin(IV) complexesSonika; Sharma, Sangeeta; Gupta, Shamma; Narula, A KIJC-A Vol.33A(12) [December 1994]1119-1121
Synthesis & characterization of bis(diphenylphosphino) alkanes complexes of tantalum(III) chlorideGupta, Shamma; Aggarwal, S; Vermani, O P; Narula, A KIJC-A Vol.37A(03) [March 1998]269-271
Synthesis and characterisation of organozirconium(IV) and organotitanium(IV) - acid complexesLukose, Pushpamma; Narula, A KIJC-A Vol.29A(12) [December 1990]1219-1221
Synthesis and characterization of 3-indole carboxylates of niobocene dichlorideSharma, Sangeeta; Sonika; Gupta, Shamma; Narula, A KIJC-A Vol.34A(11) [November 1995]908-910
Synthesis and characterization of dinuclear niobium(IV) complexes with symmetrical and unsymmetrical ditertiary phosphinesSharma, S; Gupta, S; Narula, A K; Vermani, O P; Kapoor, P NIJC-A Vol.34A(01) [January 1995]66-69
Synthesis and characterization of monotertiary phosphino complexes of niobium(lll) and tantalum(lll) chlorideGupta, Shamma; Sharma, Sangeeta; Vermani, O P; Narula, A KIJC-A Vol.36A(03) [March 1997]232-234
Synthesis and structural studies of complexes of niobium(III) chloride with ditertiary phosphinesSharma, Sangeeta; Sonika; Vermani, O P; Narula, A KIJC-A Vol.35A(01) [January 1996]60-62
Synthesis of monoligate ditertiary phosphino complexes of niobium(IV) chloride and their bonding interaction with Mo( CO)6Sharma, Sangeeta; Sonika; Gupta, Shamma; Vermani, O P; Narula, A KIJC-A Vol.34A(11) [November 1995]883-887
Synthesis, characterization, curing and thermal studies of phosphorylated epoxy resinsDurga, Geeta; Singh, Darshan; Kukreja, Parveen; Narula, A KIJEMS Vol.16(2) [April 2009]133-139
Testing permeability of building materials for radon diffusionNarula, A K; Chauhan, R P; Chakarvarti, S KIJPAP Vol.48(07) [July 2010]505-507