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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
The chemistry and action of 6-alkylsalicylates of Indian Ginkgo bilobaGhosal, S; Sundaram, R; Muruganandam, A V; Singh, S K; Satyan, K S; Bhattacharya, S K; Saravanan, V; Mishra, NIJC-B Vol.36B(03) [March 1997]257-263
The chemistry of fossils of Ginkgo and its ancestorsGhosal, S; Muruganandam, A V; Satyan, K S; Chauhan, SIJC-B Vol.41B(04) [April 2002]845-853
Crown humus: Part I-The chemistry of the canopy organic matter of rain forests in Costa RicaGhosal, S; Muruganandam, A V; Chauhan, S; Kawanishi, K; Saiki, K; Nadkarni, N MIJC-B Vol.38B(01) [January 1999]67-75
Effect of poly herbal formulation, EuMil, on chronic stress-induced homeostatic perturbations in ratsMuruganandam, A V; Kumar, Vikas; Bhattacharya, S KIJEB Vol.40(10) [October 2002]1151-1160
Effect of poly herbal formulation, EuMil, on neurochemical perturbations induced by chronic stressBhattacharya, A; Muruganandam, A V; Kumar, Vikas; Bhattacharya, S KIJEB Vol.40(10) [October 2002]1161-1163
Hypericum perforatum: Nature's mood stabilizerKumar, Vikas; Singh, P N; Muruganandam, A V; Bhattacharya, S KIJEB Vol.38(11) [November 2000]1077-1085
Indole and flavanoid constituents of Wrightia tinctoria, W. tomentosa and W. coccineaMuruganandam, A V; Bhattacharya, S K; Ghosal, SIJC-B Vol.39B(02) [February 2000]125-131
Antidepressant activity of hyperforin conjugates of the St.John's wort, Hypericum perforatum Linn.: An experimental study Muruganandam, A V; Bhattacharya, S K; Ghosal, SIJEB Vol.39(12) [December 2001]1302-1304