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Showing results 1 to 16 of 16
An approach towards the query handling in mobile cellular networkMitra, S; Das, SJSIR Vol.63(11) [November 2004]877-887
Biodiversity of hermit crabs in Odisha, east coast and their distribution in other coastal states of IndiaBehera, A; Padhi, S K; Roy, S; Patro, S; Mitra, SIJMS Vol.50(05) [May 2021]385-390
Emission of methane from rice fields - A reviewJain, N; Pathak, H; Mitra, S; Bhatia, AJSIR Vol.63(02) [February 2004]101-115
Ethnobotanical usages of grasses by the tribals of West Dinajpur district, West BengalMitra, S; Mukherjee, Sobhan KrIJTK Vol.4(4) [October 2005]396-402
Ethnomedicinal usages of some wild plants of North Bengal plain for gastro-intestinal problemsMitra, S; Mukherjee, Sobhan KrIJTK Vol.9(4) [October 2010]705-712
Fluorescence studies on luminol in water-organic solvent mixturesGuha, D; Das, R; Mitra, S; Mukherjee, SIJC-A Vol.36A(04) [April 1997]307-312
Luminol fluorescence quenching by triethyl amine and non-linear Stern-Volmer plot : Solvent effectGuha, D; Mitra, S; Das, R; Mukherjee, SIJC-A Vol.38A(08) [August 1999]760-767
Methemoglobinemia in aluminium phosphide poisoning in ratsLall, S B; Peshin, S S; Mitra, SIJEB Vol.38(01) [January 2000]95-97
Molecular diffusion and confinement effect: Neutron scattering studyMukhopadhyay, R; Mitra, SIJPAP Vol.44(10) [October 2006]732-740
New host records of Nerocila poruvae (Isopoda: Cymothoidae) from the Northern part of the east coast of India and first report of a fish - Ablennes hians (Valenciennes, 1846) from West Bengal coastRay, D; Mitra, S; Balakrishnan, S; Mohapatra, AnilIJMS Vol.49(08) [August 2020]1447-1451
Removal of arsenic from water by coagulation treatment using iron and magnesium saltGhosh, B; Das, M C; Gangopadhyay, A K; Das, T B; Singh, K; Lal, S; Mitra, S; Ansari, S H; Goswami, T K; Chakraborty, S K; Banerjee, N NIJCT Vol.10(1) [January 2003]87-95
Role of Water of Crystallization in Thermal Annealing of Neutron Activated Lithium PermanganateDedgaonkar, V G; Mitra, S; Kulkarni, S AIJC-A Vol.22A(09) [September 1983]793-794
Effect of ethanolic extract of root of Pongamia pinnata (L) pierre on oxidative stress, behavioral and histopathological alterations induced by cerebral ischemia–reperfusion and long-term hypoperfusion in rats Raghavendra M; Trigunayat, Anshuman; Singh, R K; Mitra, S; Goel, R K; Acharyaa, S BIJEB Vol.45(10) [October 2007]868-876
Some abortifacient plants used by the tribal people of West BengalMitra, S; Mukherjee, Sobhan KrNPR Vol.8(2) [March-April 2009]167-171
Spectroscopic properties and fluorescence quenching of luminol in aqueous mediumBhattacharjee, U; Mitra, S; Das, R; Mukherjee, SIJC-A Vol.35A(08) [August 1996]633-638
Synthesis, spectral properties and redox behaviour of µ-oxo-µ-sulphido complex of oxomolybdenum(V) with 2-mercaptobenzoic acidMitra, S; Bandyopadhyay, PIJC-A Vol.34A(06) [June 1995]493-494