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Analysis of unusual meteorological conditions responsible for flash flood occurred in Bhagirathi basin during 2013Malhotra, Jatin; Arora, Manohar; Kumar, Rakesh; Kumar, NareshBVAAP Vol.24(1) [June 2016]60-65
Anthocyanin, bisabolol and phenylammonialyase activity in cell cultures of Populus deltoidesVerma, A K; Chaudhary, U; Kumar, Rakesh; Pant, A K; Gaur, A K; Lakhchaura, B DIJEB Vol.38(10) [October 2000]1050-1053
Chronic spinal infusion of loperamide alleviates postsurgical pain in ratsKumar, Rakesh; Reeta, K H; Ray, Subrata BasuIJEB Vol.52(04) [April 2014]317-322
Combined effects of Hall current and rotation on free convection MHD flow in a porous channelSingh, K D; Kumar, RakeshIJPAP Vol.47(09) [September 2009]617-623
Comparison of flood for various return periods estimated using L-moments & other conventional techniquesKumar, Rakesh; Sapra, Tilak Raj; Mani, Pankaj; Patra, Jagdish; Arora, MBVAAP Vol.20(1) [June 2012]106-110
Correlations between discharge and meteorological parameters in a large Glacierized basin in HimalayasKumar, Naresh; Arora, Manohar; Kumar, Rakesh; Malhotra, JatinBVAAP Vol.24(1) [June 2016]36-43
Design and Analysis of Foot Operated Water SpoutKumar, Rakesh; Kumar, Aravind; Bansal, RajeevIJEMS Vol.29(5) [October 2022]658-667
Diamagnetic Susceptibilities of 4H-1, 4-BenzothiazinesGupta, R R; Kumar, M; Kumar, Rakesh; Gautam, R KIJC-A Vol.25A(01) [January 1986]62-63
Downscaling methods and hydrological modelling approachArora, Manohar; Kumar, Rakesh; Varshney, N KBVAAP Vol.22(1) [June 2014]37-40
Effect of annealing on properties of transparent conducting tin oxide films deposited by thermal evaporationSingh, Beer Pal; Kumar, Rakesh; Kumar, Ashwani; Gaur, Jyotshana; Singh, Sunder Pal; Tyagi, R CIJPAP Vol.51(08) [August 2013]558-562
Effect of nitrogen on growth, biomass and oil composition of clary sage (Salvia sclarea Linn.) under mid hills of north western HimalayasSharma, Saurabh; Kumar, RakeshIJNPR Vol.3(1) [March 2012]79-83
Electrical Discharge Machining of Inconel 718 using Cryo-Processed Rotary Cu-ElectrodeKumar, Rakesh; Pandey, Anand; Sharma, PoojaJSIR Vol.79(08) [August 2020]691-695
Evaluation of the costs and benefits of mumbai sewage disposal project, IndiaGupta, Indrani; Vachasiddha, Leena; Kumar, RakeshIJMS Vol.46(08) [August 2017]1539-1545
Event Driven Application Specific Prioritized Data Transmission Approach for Underwater Wireless Sensor NetworksKumar, Rakesh; Bhardwaj, Diwakar; Mishra, Manas KumarJSIR Vol.80(03) [March 2021]276-282
An Experimental study on concrete reinforced with Fibrillated FiberGoel, Pankaj; Kumar, Rakesh; Mathur, RenuJSIR Vol.71(11) [November 2012]722-726
Exploring the Effects of Entrance Channel and Fissility on Pre-scission Neutron Multiplicity and Nuclear DissipationKumar, Rakesh; Vikas; Dalal, Ranjeet; Singh, HardevIJPAP Vol.62(06) [June 2024]441-450
Flood inundation modelling using coupled 1 D and 2 D Hydro-Dynamic modellingPatra, Jagdish Prasad; Kumar, Rakesh; Mani, Pankaj; Sapra, Tilak RajBVAAP Vol.26(1) [June 2018]16-25
Green methodologies in synthesis and natural product chemistry of phenolic compoundsSinha, Arun K; Sharma, Naina; Shard, Amit; Sharma, Abhishek; Kumar, Rakesh; Sharma, Upendra KIJC-B Vol.48B(12) December 2009]1771-1779
Hall effect on heat and mass transfer in the flow of oscillating viscoelastic fluid through porous medium with wall slip conditionsChand, Khem; Kumar, RakeshIJPAP Vol.50(03) [March 2012]149-155
Hydrodynamic and Advection-Dispersion Simulation of Cool Seawater Discharges from an LNG FacilityGupta, Ankit; Vijay, Ritesh; Kumar, RakeshIJMS Vol.49(01) [January 2020]7-14