Browsing by Author Kumar, Alok

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Alkoxygen and alkoxygen-AQ delignification of Ipomea carnea and Cannabis sativaDutt, Dharm; Tyagi, C H; Agnihotri, Swarnima; Kumar, Alok; SiddharthaIJCT Vol.16(6) [November 2009]523-528
Blockchain Framework for Learner Performance Prediction using Life-Brain Storm-based Light GBM Coupled Neural NetworkXue, Yunlan; Singh, Vineeta; Singh, Suruchi; Kant, Kamal; Pandey, Saurabh; Kumar, Alok; Alam, Mohd. Shah; Tiwari, Shesh Mani; Joshi, Kapil; Kaushik, Vandana DixitJSIR Vol.83(6) [June 2024]652-668
Comparison of calibration procedures of iridium-192 sources used in high dose rate brachytherapy systemKumar, Alok; Singh, Sudama; Agrawal, SushmaIJPAP Vol.41(04) [April 2003]253-257
DCNN-HBA: Honey Badger Optimization and Deep Convolutional Neural Network Based a Novel Hybrid Model for Producing Quality ImageNiu, Sihan; Singh, Vineeta; Kumar, Alok; Verma, Deepak Kumar; Kumar, Sunil; Kaushik, Vandana Dixit; Chen, Zhiliang; Joshi, KapilJSIR Vol.82(11) [November 2023]1304-1315
Development of Specialty Paper is An Art: Barrier Paper from Indigenous Raw Materials - Part VIIDutt, Dharm; Tyagi, C H; Malik, R S; Upadhyaya, J S; Kumar, AlokJSIR Vol.62(07) [July 2003]694-698
Measurement of half-life of iridium-192 (HDR brachytherapy)by clinical dosimetersKumar, Alok; Singh, SudamaIJPAP Vol.40(02) [February 2002]137-140
Predicting Student Performance with Adaptive Aquila Optimization-based Deep Convolution Neural NetworkLu, Jiayi; Singh, Vineeta; Singh, Suruchi; Kumar, Alok; Pandey, Saurabh; Verma, Deepak Kumar; Kaushik, Vandana DixitJSIR Vol.82(11) [November 2023]1152-1164
Spectrofluorometric analysis of organic matter in the Sundarban mangrove, BangladeshPrasad, M. Bala Krishna; Kumar, Alok; Datta, Dilip K.; Ramanathan, L.IJMS Vol.43(6) [June 2014]1005-1012