Browsing by Author Kaur, Kamaljit

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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Developmental changes in intestinal brush border enzymes of rats prenatally exposed to ethanolBhalla, Sonali; Kaur, Kamaljit; Mahmood, Safrun; Mahmood, AkhtarIJBB Vol.41(5) [October 2004]221-226
DPPH radical scavenging activity and contents of H2O2, malondialdehyde and proline in determining salinity tolerance in chickpea seedlingsKaur, Narinder; Kumar, Arvind; Kaur, Kamaljit; Gupta, Anil K; Singh, InderjitIJBB Vol.51(5) [October 2014]407-415
Effect of prenatal ethanol administration on microvillus membrane glycosylation in developing rat intestineBhalla, Sonali; Kaur, Kamaljit; Mahmood, Akhtar; Mahmood, SafrunIJBB Vol. 41(2 & 3) [April-June 2004]116-119
Effect of water deficit on carbohydrate status and enzymes of carbohydrate metabolism in seedlings of wheat cultivarsKaur, Kamaljit; Gupta, Anil K; Kaur, NarinderIJBB Vol.44(4) [August 2007]223-230
Hypolactasia as a molecular basis of lactose intoleranceKaur, Kamaljit; Mahmood, Safrun; Mahmood, AkhtarIJBB Vol.43(5) [October 2006]267-274
Salicylic acid induces differential antioxidant response in spring maize under high temperature stressKhanna, Palak; Kaur, Kamaljit; Gupta, Anil KIJEB Vol.54(06) [June 2016]386-393
Salivary amylase from Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) — Characterization and mode of inhibition through analysis of double reciprocal, fractional velocity and combination plotsKaur, Sarbjit; Kaur, Kamaljit; Jindal, Jawala; Kaur, GurjitIJEB Vol.59(02) [February 2021]88-96