Browsing by Author Kannan, L

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Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Biological activity of sea anemone proteins: I. Toxicity and histopathologyRavindran, Vinoth S; Kannan, L; Venkateshvaran, KIJEB Vol.48(12) [December 2010]1225-1232
Biological activity of sea anemone proteins: II. Cytolysis and cell line toxicityRavindran, Vinoth S; Kannan, L; Venkateshvaran, KIJEB Vol.48(12) [December 2010]1233-1236
Characterization of an actinomycete isolated from the estuarine finfish, Mugil cephalus Lin. (1758) and its optimization for cellulase productionMurugan, M; Srinivasan, M; Sivakumar, K; Sahu, Maloy Kumar; Kannan, LJSIR Vol.66(5) [May 2007]388-393
Distribution of Heterotrophic Bacteria in Vellar Estuary, East coast of IndiaKannan, L; Vasantha, KIJMS Vol.15(4) [December 1986]267-268
In-vitro modulation of Na+ K+, Mg++ ATPases and AchE by sea anemone toxic proteinsRavindran, Vinoth S; Kannan, L; Venkateshvaran, KIJMS Vol.41(5) [October 2012]451-456
Iron and manganese concentrations in seawater, sediment and marine algae of Tuticorin coast, southeast coast of IndiaGanesan, M; Kannan, LIJMS Vol.24(4) [December 1995]236-237
Magneto bacteria from estuarine, mangrove and coral reef environs in Gulf of MannarKannapiran, E; Purushothaman, A; Kannan, L; Saravanan, SIJMS Vol.28(3) [September 1999]332-334
Optimum conditions for L-glutaminase production by actinomycete strain isolated from estuarine fish, Chanos chanos (Forskal, 1775)Sivakumar, K; Sahu, Maloy Kumar; Manivel, P R; Kannan, LIJEB Vol.44(03) [March 2006]256-258
Photosynthetic pigments in coastal ecosystemsPanneerselvam, A; Kannan, L; Krishnamurthy, KIJMS Vol.08(2) [June 1979]109-111
Physico-chemical characteristics of seaweed beds of the Palk Bay, southeast coast of IndiaKannan, R; Kannan, LIJMS Vol.25(4) [December 1996]358-362