Browsing by Author Joshi, R

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Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Co-precipitation method of synthesis and characterization of iron oxide nanoparticlesKandpal, N D; Sah, N; Loshali, R; Joshi, R; Prasad, JJSIR Vol.73(02) [February 2014]87-90
Panchagavya Ghrita, an Ayurvedic formulation attenuates seizures, cognitive impairment and oxidative stress in pentylenetetrazole induced seizures in ratsJoshi, R; Reeta, KH; Sharma, SK; Tripathi, M; Gupta, YKIJEB Vol.53(07) [July 2015]446-451
Improvement in gas stripping capability by installation of turbo molecular pump system in the tenninal of 15 UD pelletronChopra, S; Pawar, N S; Singh, M P; Kumar, Rakesh; Prasad, J; Patel, V P; Pal, Raj; Kumar, B; Ojha, S; Sota, M; Barua, P; Gargari, S; Joshi, R; Kanjilal, D; Datta, S KIJPAP Vol.39(01-02) [January-February 2001]84-86
Isolation and characterization of mRNAs differentially expressed during ripening of mango fruitsSaiprasad, G V S; Anand, Lalitha; Ravishankar, K V; Mythili, J B; Nagesh, M; Joshi, RIJBT Vol.3(4) [October 2004]533-537
Modifications and developments done for the problems encountered in NSC pelletronJoshi, R; Patel, V; Barua, P; Sota, M; Gargari, S; Panwar, N S; Singh, B; Singh, M P; Kumar, R; Prasad, J; Chopra, S; Datta, S K; Kanjilal, DIJPAP Vol.39(01-02) [January-February 2001]87-95
Single-gap multi-harmonic buncher for NSC pelletronSarkar, A; Ghosh, S; Barua, P; Joshi, R; Ahuja, R; Rao, S; Krishnan, S A; Malyadri, A J; Kumar, R.; Gargari, S; Chopra, S; Kanjilal, D; Datta, S K; Roy, A; Bhowmik, R K; Tilbrook, I R; Clifft, B EIJPAP Vol.39(01-02) [January-February 2001]15-19