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Anti-Salmonella activity of Terminalia belerica: In vitro and in vivo studiesMadani, A; Jain, S KIJEB Vol.46(12) [December 2008]817-821
Application of water resources through use of remote sensing and geographic information systemAhmed, Tanveer; Jain, S K; Aggarwal, P K; Rathore, D SBVAAP Vol.22(2) [December 2014]107-113
Assembly and Use of Permanent Secondary Standards for Calibration of Infrared Spectrophotometer for Determination of Isotopic Purity of Nuclear Grade Heavy WaterJain, S K; Mathur, N D; Pushpakaran, T K; Kumawat, PJSIR Vol.58(11) [November 1999]861-863
Credibility of traditional knowledge—The criterion of multilocational and multiethnic useJain, S KIJTK Vol.3(2) [April 2004]137-153
Climate change and its impact : Water resources adaptation strategiesThakural, L N; Kumar, Sanjay; Rathore, D S; Jain, S K; Ahmed, TanveerBVAAP Vol.25(1&2) [June-December 2017]79-85
Constitutional provisions and international & interstate water disputes in IndiaAggarwal, P K; Jain, S KBVAAP Vol.22(2) [December 2014]102-106
Design and development of tonpilz type sandwich transducer for underwater acoustic command applicationsJain, S K; Gupta, Reeta; Saksena, T KIJMS Vol.24(4) [December 1995]215-219
The design and performance characteristics of a 40 kHz mini pinger transducer for marine applicationsSaksena, T K; Jain, S K; Gupta, ReetaIJMS Vol.21(4) [December 1992]303-305
Design, fabrication and measurement of 90° mass-analyzing magnetJain, S K; Malik, Ritesh; Sekar, K; Naik, P A; Hannurkar, P RIJPAP Vol.48(05) [May 2010]315-320
Destruction of polychlorinated biphenyl and utilization of waste heat in integrated steel plantAgrawal, Raj Kumar; Jain, S K; Panday, Piyush KantJSIR Vol.65(09) [September 2006]753-756
Dynamism of Traditional KnowledgeJain, S KIJTK Vol.4(2) [April 2005]115-117
Effect of high hydrostatic pressure on underwater ultrasonic probe heads used for NDT evaluation of offshore structuresBindal, V N; Jain, S K; Gupta, Reeta; Chandra, SubhashIJMS Vol.24(4) [December 1995]220-222
Effect of Ionospheric Density Gradients on vlf Propagation at Low LatitudesJain, S K; Singh, BirbalIJRSP Vol.07(3) [June 1978]145-148
Effect of Magnetic Storms on the Low Latitude E- layerJain, S K; Singh, D P; Singh, BirbalIJRSP Vol.08(1) [February 1979]20-23
Effect of Nitro Group on Solvolysis of o-Nitro- & p-Nitro-benzal ChloridesBansal, R K; Jain, S KIJC-A Vol.23A(03) [March 1984]235-236
Evaluation of Yeast as an Expression SystemNasser, M W; Pooja, V; Abdin, MZ; Jain, S KIJBT Vol.02(4) [October 2003]477-493
Experimental studies on Thevetia neriifolia Juss — A reviewGulati, Anamika; Jain, S K; Srivastava, P SIJC-B Vol.39B(11) [November 2000]808-812
Fabrication of wide bandwidth miniature underwater acoustic transducers and study of their electro-acoustic performance*Jain, S K; Gupta, Reeta; Lamba, G SIJEMS Vol.07(1) [February 2000]16-20
Free asymmetric transverse vibration of polar orthotropic annular sector plate with linearly varying thickness in the radial directionSingh, R P; Jain, S KIJEMS Vol.12(2) [April 2005]129-140
Functions and significance of nitric oxide in patho-physiological processesGautam, Pankaj; Jain, S KIJBT Vol.6(3) [July 2007]293-304