Browsing by Author Islam, M N

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Application of neutron radiography to building industriesIslam, M N; Alam, M K; Zaman, M A; Ahsan, M H; Molla, N IIJPAP Vol.38(05) [May 2000]348-354
A convenient metal free approach towards the synthesis of dihydropyrimidones mediated by achiral nicotinic acid without solventImon, Mohinuddin Khan; Kamma, Koteswara R; Islam, M N; Roy, Harendra NIJC-B Vol.60B(10) [October 2021]1378-1384
Effect of chemical charges in cooking and their effectiveness on pulp bleachingIslam, M NJSIR Vol.63(06) [June 2004]522-526
Equilibrium and transport properties of amino acid solutions: Part 1- Temperature dependence of apparent molar volume in aqueous solutions between 288 and 308 KWadi, Ramesh K; Islam, M N; Goyal, Rma KantIJC-A Vol.29A(11) [November 1990]1055-1059
Excitation functions of (n,p) and (n,α) reactions on the isotopes of vanadium and cobalt in the neutron energy range of 13.57-14.71 MeVUddin, M S; Miah, R U; Latif, S K A; Islam, M N; Zaman, M R; Zaman, M A; Molla, N IIJPAP Vol.39(08) [August 2001]487-490
Neutron radiographic investigation of the quality of some rubber samplesIslam, M N; Rahman, M M; Islam, S M A; Zaman, M AIJPAP Vol.38(09) [September 2000]675-680
Nutritional composition, yield and consumer response to a semi-fermented fish product prepared from underutilized fish species of the Bngladesh coastlineMansur, M A; Islam, M N; Bhuiyan, A K M A; Hoq, M EnamulIJMS Vol.29(1) [March 2000]73-76
Measurements of D2O-concentration in D2O-H2O mixture using neutron radiography technique Islam, M N; Ahasan, M M; Alam, M K; Uddin, M S; Zaman, M AIJPAP Vol.41(08) [August 2003]593-596
Measurement of (n,2n) reaction cross-sections on isotopes of zinc, germanium and scandium in neutron energy range 13.82-14.71MeV Uddin, M S; Latif, S K A; Halim, M A; Islam, M N; Miah, R U; Molla, N I; Zaman, M RIJPAP Vol.40(08) [August 2002]533-538
Study of corrosion in aluminium using neutron radiography techniqueIslam, M N; Saklayen, M A; Alam, M K; Islam, S M A; Zaman, M A; Ahsan, M HIJPAP Vol.38(09) [September 2000]670-674