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AC impedance studies on the molecular semiconductors based on aromatic diamines-iodine charge-transfer complexesGupta, R K; Singh, R AIJEMS Vol.11(6) [December 2004]505-510
Academic library scene in the people's republic of China and IndiaGupta, R KALIS Vol.18(4) [December 1971]167-172
ANN controller trained with steady state input-output data for a heat exchangerDasgupta, M S; Menon, G B; Gupta, R KIJCT Vol.08(3) [May 2001]227-234
Biosorption of Pb and Zn from pulp and paper industry effluent by water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes)Verma, V K; Gupta, R K; Rai, J P NJSIR Vol.64(10) [October 2005]778-781
A Comparative Study of Two New Types of Microstrip Slot Antenna in Plasma MediumBhatnagar, Deepak; Gupta, R KIJRSP Vol.14(4) [August 1985]88-91
Cyanoethylation of Cotton and Its Transfer PrintingChavan, R B; Sanyal, S; Gupta, R K; Jain, A KIJFTR Vol.12(1) [March 1987]17-20
Destructive adsorption of methyl parathion over nanocrystalline MgOReddy, Vanga S; Radheshyam, A; Dwivedi, R; Gupta, R K; Chumbale, V R; Prasad, RIJC-A Vol.44A(02) [February 2005]251-255
Effect of Rotor Speed and Combing Roller Speed on Yarn Characteristics and Minimum Spinning TwistSalhotra, K R; Gupta, R KIJFTR Vol.06(3) [September 1981]97-100
Formation of Silver Selenide in the Solid State & Its Reactivity with CuSe(s)Sharma, I B; Gupta, R K; Bassi, P SIJC-A Vol.23A(04) [April 1984]342-344
Fuzzy controller development from information granules for a heat exchangerDasgupta, M S; Gupta, R KIJCT Vol.07(4) [July 2000]183-191
International Conventions, Agreements & Treaties for the Protection of Intellectual PropertyGupta, R K; Subbaram, N RJIPR Vol.01(2) [March 1996]67-75
Library cataloguing teaching: From drill to discussion (A report from the west)Gupta, R KALIS Vol.18(2) [June 1971]57-65
Marker assisted detection of gene (1Dx5) and translocation (1B/1R) in wheat genotypesTiwari, Ratan; Priyamvada; Singh, Rajender; Nainawatee, H S; Kumar, Rajendra; Tyagi, B S; Gupta, R K; Nagarajan, SIJEB Vol.40(03) [March 2002]309-313
Meteorological Rocket Payload for Rohini-200, Its Developmental Details & Associated Physical AspectsVernekar, K G; Gupta, R K; Mohan, BrijIJRSP Vol.08(5&6) [October & December 1979]266-272
Methodology for calculating volcano vent temperature using optical remote sensing dataGupta, R K; Badarinath, K V SIJRSP Vol.22(4) [August 1993]215-219
Micropropagation of Clerodendrum aculeatum through adventitious shoot induction and production of consistent amount of virus resistance inducing proteinSrivastava, Aparna; Gupta, R K; Verma, H NIJEB Vol.42(12) [December 2004]1200-1207
Phytochemical and antimicrobial screening of medicinal plants for the treatment of acneNand, P; Drabu, S; Gupta, R KIJNPR Vol.3(1) [March 2012]28-32
Phytochemicals and antioxidant activity of Sisymbrium irio L. seedsHailu, T; Gupta, R K; Rani, AIJTK Vol.20(1) [January 2021]26-32
Polarization/self-depolarization studies on Ag+ ion conducting quenched [0.75AgI:0.25AgCl] mixed system/solid solutionAgrawal, R C; Gupta, R K; Verma, Mohan L; Sharma, A RIJPAP Vol.37(04) [April 1999]235-238
Radiation Field Patterns of a Microstrip Slot Antenna in an Ionized MediumGujar, N K; Gupta, R KIJRSP Vol.13(4) [August 1984]125-128