Browsing by Author Gupta, Priyanka

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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Application of natural dyes on bleached coir yarnGulrajani, M L; Gupta, Deepti; Gupta, PriyankaIJFTR Vol.28(4) [December 2003]466-470
A comprehensive review: SnO2 for photovoltaic and gas sensor applicationsGupta, Priyanka; Rathore, VandanaAIR Vol.01(3&4) [September-December 2019]184-193
Effect of cadmium on chlorophyll biosynthesis and enzymes of nitrogen assimilation in greening maize leaf segments: Role of 2-oxoglutarateJain, Meeta; Pal, Monika; Gupta, Priyanka; Gadre, RekhaIJEB Vol.45(04) [April 2007]385-389
Electrochemical and persulphate mediated oxidation of indole-3-ethanolGoyal, Rajendra N; Kumar, Anil; Gupta, PriyankaIJC-A Vol.42A(04) [April 2003]719-726
Electrochemical oxidation of 6-hydroxy-2,4,5- triaminopyrimidine at pyrolytic graphite electrodeGoyal, Rajendra N; Kumar, Anil; Jain, Neena; Gupta, PriyankaIJC-A Vol.38A(10) [October 1999]1015-1023
Increase in NADH-glutamate dehydrogenase activity by mercury in excised bean leaf segmentsGupta, Priyanka; Gadre, RekhaIJEB Vol.43(09) [September 2005]824-828
New triglycerides from antimicrobial extracts of Nepeta hindostana weedSiddique, Amreen A; Bhakuni, Rajendra S; Misra, Laxminarain; Gupta, Priyanka; Darokar, Mahendra PIJC-B Vol.56B(05) [May 2017]542-550
Shape memory textiles for smart compression management for chronic venous disorders – A reviewKumar, Bipin; Maurya, Sandeep Kumar; Somkuwar, Viraj; Garg, Hema; Mohanty, Jayashree; Gupta, PriyankaIJFTR Vol.47(1) [March 2022]131-145
Some Integrals Involving Multivariable H – Functions & M- SeriesGupta, Priyanka; Pandey, NeelamAIR Vol.01(1) [March 2019]38-40