Browsing by Author Gupta, M K

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Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Effect of ecofriendly coating and treatment on mechanical, thermal and morphological properties of sisal fibreSahu, Parul; Gupta, M KIJFTR Vol.44(2) [June 2019]199-204
Effects of treatments on the properties of polyester based hemp compositeGupta, M K; Gond, R K; Bharti, AjayaIJFTR Vol.43(3) [September 2018]313-319
Electrically conducting natural fibresBhadani, S N; Gupta, S K Sen; Gupta, M KIJFTR Vol.18(1) [March 1993]46-47
A facile approach for isolation of cellulose nanocrystals from banana fibresSingh, Umarav; Gupta, M K; Singh, HarinderIJFTR Vol.48(2) [June 2023]109-116
Curcuma longa as feed additive in broiler birds and its patho-physiological effectsKumari, P; Gupta, M K; Ranjan, R; Singh, K K; Yadava, RIJEB Vol.45(03) [March 2007]272-277
Loss factor for a clamped edge circular plate subjected to an eccentric loadingGupta, M K; Nigam, S PIJEMS Vol.11(2) [April 2004]79-84
Mechanical, thermal and dynamic mechanical analysis of jute fibre reinforced epoxy compositeGupta, M K; Srivastava, R KIJFTR Vol.42(1) [March 2017]64-71
Mechanical, thermal and water absorption properties of hybrid sisal/jute fiber reinforced polymer compositeGupta, M K; Srivastava, R KIJEMS Vol.23(4) [August 2016]231-238
Pathology of benzalkonium chloride toxicity and its effect on body weight gain in broiler birds*Mandal, P K; Gupta, M K; Singh, K KIJEB Vol.42(11) [November 2004]1107-1111
Pharmacognostical studies on seeds of Centratherum anthelminticum KuntzeBhatia, Daksh; Gupta, M K; Gupta, Ankur; Singh, Mamta; Kaithwas, GauravNPR Vol.7(4) [July-August 2008]326-329
Preparation of PLA based biodegradable nanofibre films and their characterizationGond, R K; Gupta, M KIJFTR Vol.46(1) [March 2021]9-14
Properties of sisal fibre reinforced epoxy compositeGupta, M K; Srivastava, R KIJFTR Vol.41(3) [September 2016]235-241
Traditional fermented foods of Lahaul and Spiti area of Himachal PradeshKanwar, S S; Gupta, M K; Katoch, Chhaya; Kumar, Rajeev; Kanwar, PromilaIJTK Vol.6(1) [January 2007]42-45
Tribological and dynamic mechanical analysis of epoxy based hybrid sisal/jute compositeGupta, M K; Srivastava, R KIJEMS Vol.23(1) [February 2016]37-44