Browsing by Author Gupta, K K

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Development of an instrument to study shrinkage properties of air-jet textured yarnsGupta, K K; Kothari, V KIJFTR Vol.30(3) [September 2005]278-282
Interelemental interference correction by computational method in flame atomic absorption spectroscopy (FAAS): Study of Fe-Mn system in silico-manganese ferro-alloyRao, A S; Gupta, K K; Singh, M; Upadhyay, A K; Sircar, J KIJCT Vol.13(1) [January 2006]77-80
Microwave dielectric relaxation study of binary mixtures of cyclohexylamine with acetophenone and p-chloroacetophenone in dilute solutions of benzeneGupta, K K; Bansal, A K; Singh, P J; Sharma, K SIJPAP Vol.42(11) [November 2004]849-853
Microwave dielectric relaxation study of poly (methyl methacrylate) and polysulphone in dilute solutionsTanwar, A; Gupta, K K; Singh, P J; Vijay, Y KIJPAP Vol.44(07) [July 2006]548-553
Microwave interactive properties of cotton fabrics coated with carbon nanotubes/polyurethane compositeGupta, K K; Abbas, S M; Srivastava, Anurag; Nasim, M; Saxena, A K; Abhyankar, AshutoshIJFTR Vol.38(4) [December 2013]357-365
A rapid flame atomic absorption spectroscopic procedure for determination of lead in aluminium base alloysRao, A S; Gupta, K K; Sircar, J K; Srivastava, S CIJCT Vol.11(4) [July 2004]475-478
Studies on dielectric properties of cyclohexylamine in non-polar solvents-Kirkwood correlation factor, molar polarization and excess free energyGupta, K K; Bansal, A K; Singh, P J; Sharma, K SIJPAP Vol.41(10) [October 2003]801-805
Temperature dependence of dielectric relaxation of rigid polar molecules acetophenone, pyridine and their mixtures in dilute solutions of benzeneGupta, K K; Bansal, A K; Singh, P J; Sharma, K SIJPAP Vol.41(01) [January 2003]57-63