Browsing by Author Gupta, A Das

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Beacon satellite studies and modelling of total electron contents of the ionosphereTyagi, T R; Gupta, A DasIJRSP Vol.19(5&6) [October & December 1990]424-438
Co-ordinated multistation VHF scintillation observations in India during March-April 1991Chandra, H; Vyas, G D; Rao, D R K; Pathan, B M; lype, A; Sekaran, B Ram; Naidu, A; Sadique, S M; Salgaonkar, C S; Tyagi, T R; Kumar, P N Vijay; Singh, Lakha; Iyer, K N; Pathak, K N; Gwal, A K; Kumar, Sushil; Singh, R P; Singh, U P; Singh, Birbal; Jain, V K; Navneeth, G N; Koparkar, P V; Rao, P V S Rama; Jaychandran, P T; Sriram, P; Rao, N Y S Santa; Gupta, A Das; Basu, K; Rastogi, R GIJRSP Vol.22(2) [April 1993]69-81
Impact of equatorial ionospheric irregularities on transionospheric satellite links observed from a low-latitude station during the minima of solar cycle 24Das, T; Roy, B; Gupta, A Das; Paul, AIJRSP Vol.41(2) [April 2012]247-257
Measurement of Electron Content & Slab Thickness near the Crest of Equatorial Anomaly by Intelsat 2F2Guhathakurta, B K; Bhattacharyya, G N; Basu, S; Gupta, A DasIJRSP Vol.07(2) [April 1978]99-105
Seasonal Variation of VHF Scintillation as Observed from Calcutta & WaltairMaitra, A; Gupta, A Das; Rao, P V S Rama; Rao, B V P SubrahmanyeswaraIJRSP Vol.10(1) [February 1981]39-40
Simultaneous Observations on VHF Scintillations from Waltair & CalcuttaRao, P V S Rama; Rao, B V P Subrahmanyeswara; Maitra, A; Gupta, A DasIJRSP Vol.09(2) [April 1980]63-64
Wafer bonding — A powerful tool for MEMSBhat, K N; Gupta, A Das; Rao, P R S; Gupta, N Das; Bhattacharya, E; Sivakumar, K; Kumar, V Vinoth; Anitha, L Helen; Joseph, J D; Madhavi, S P; Natarajan, KIJPAP Vol.45(4) [April 2007]311-316