Browsing by Author Govindaraj, A
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Title | Author(s) | Source | Page(s) |
Nitrogen derivatives of C60 and C70: Interaction of fullerenes with nitrogen in gas phase and with amines in solution phase | Rao, C N R; Pradeep, T; Seshadri, Ram; Govindaraj, A | IJC-A Vol.31A&B(05) [May 1992] | F27-F31 |
Potential of nanocarbons and related substances as adsorbents and chemical storage materials for H2, CO2 and other gases | Rao, C N R; Maitra, Urmimala; Subrahmanyam, K S; Gopalakrishnan, K; Kumar, Nitesh; Kumar, Ram; Govindaraj, A | IJC-A Vol.51A(01-02) [January-February 2012] | 15-31 |
Selective synthesis of metallic and semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotubes | Voggu, Rakesh; Govindaraj, A; Rao, C N R | IJC-A Vol.51A(01-02) [January-February 2012] | 32-46 |