Browsing by Author Dhillon, R S

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Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Assessment of genetic diversity in Azadirachta indica based on DNA fingerprintingDhillon, R S; Mohapatra, T; Singh, S; Boora, K S; Singh, KIJBT Vol.6(4) [October 2007]519-524
Development and molecular characterization of interspecific hybrids of Jatropha curcas × J. integerrimaDhillon, R S; Hooda, M S; Jattan, M; Chawla, V; Bhardwaj, M; Goyal, S CIJBT Vol.8(4) [October 2009]384-390
Evaluation of genetic diversity in Jatropha curcas L. using RAPD markersIkbal; Boora, K S; Dhillon, R SIJBT Vol.9(1) [January 2010]50-57
Evaluation of genetic diversity using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers in Melia dubia Cav.Johar, Vishal; Kajla, Subhash; Dhillon, R S; Bhatia, PankajIJBT Vol.16(1) [January 2017]76-83
Influence of fibre and constructional parameters on functional properties of hand-woven carpetsPatni, P C; Arora, R K; Dhillon, R S; Bapna, D LIJFTR Vol.21(3) [September 1996]189-193
Influence of tuft constitution on performance properties of hand-woven carpetsArora, R K; Patni, P C; Dhillon, R S; Bapna, D LIJFTR Vol.24(2) [June 1999]111-114
Quality attributes of double-humped camel hair fibresSahani, M S; Yadav, Banamali; Mal, Gorakh; Dhillon, R SIJFTR Vol.28(2) [June 2003]227-229
Rearrangement of Parthenin and its derivatives using H2SO4-Ac2ODhillon, R S; Kaur, Navdeep; Kaushal, RIJC-B Vol.36B(10) [October 1997]864-871
Molecular characterization of γ-rays induced mutants in Jatropha curcas L. Dhillon, R S; Saharan, R P; Jattan, MIJBT Vol.13(1) [January 2014]67-74
Urea-hydrogen peroxide and microwave: An eco-friendly blend for allylic oxidation of alkenes with catalytic selenium dioxideManktala, R; Dhillon, R S; Chhabra, B RIJC-B Vol.45B(06) [June 2006]1591-1594