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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Hydration of bamboo leaf ash blended Portland cementSingh, N B; Das, S S; Singh, N P; Dwivedi, V NIJEMS Vol.14(1) [February 2007]69-76
An investigation of ion transport properties in silver phosphate glassy systems doped with Fe, Mn and Zn chloridesDas, S S; Singh, N P; Srivastava, Vibha; Srivastava, P KIJEMS Vol.15(3) [June 2008]256-264
Ionic transport in sodium phosphate glasses doped with chlorides of Co, Cd and AgDas, S S; Srivastava, Vibha; Singh, PIJEMS Vol.13(5) [October 2006]455-461
Preparation of some metal chloride doped silver phosphate glass electrolytes–Application to solid state batteriesDas, S S; Srivastava, Pankaj Kumar; Singh, N P; Srivastava, VibhaIJEMS Vol.17(2) [April 2010]123-130
Spectroscopic and thermal studies of zinc/cadmium halide doped silver phosphate glassesDas, S S; Baranwal, B P; Gupta, C P; Singh, PunitaIJEMS Vol.12(1) [February 2005]58-64
Studies on SCLA composite Portland cementSingh, N B; Das, S S; Singh, N P; Dwivedi, V NIJEMS Vol.16(6) [December 2009]415-422
Synthesis and characterization of hydroxycarboxylato complexes of nickel(II)Baranwal, B P; Das, S S; Singh, Poonam; Gupta, TarkeshwarIJC-A Vol.40A(03) [March 2001]320-322
Synthesis and characterization of substituted derivatives of nickel (II) carboxy-lates with Schiff basesBaranwal, B P; Das, S S; Singh, PoonamIJC-A Vol.37A(09) [September 1998]826-829
Synthesis, characterization and antifungal activity of nickel (II) complexes with cyclic phosphazenesBaranwal, B P; Das, S S; Farva, UmmeIJC-A Vol.40A(08) [August 2001]893-895