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Citrus tissue culture employing vegetative explantsChaturvedi, H C; Singh, S K; Sharma, A K; Agnihotri, SavitaIJEB Vol.39(11) [November 2001]1080-1095
Cloning of medicinal plants through tissue culture —A reviewChaturvedi, H C; Jain, Madhu; Kidwai, N RIJEB Vol.45(11) [November 2007]937-948
In vitro cloning of female and male Carica papaya through tips of shoots and inflorescencesAgnihotri, S; Singh, S K; Jain, M; Sharma, M; Sharma, A K; Chaturvedi, H CIJBT Vol.3(2) [April 2004]235-240
In vitro germplasm preservation through regenerative excised root culture for conservation of phytodiversityChaturvedi, H C; Sharma, M; Sharma, A K; Jain, M; Agha, B Q; Gupta, PIJBT Vol.3(2) [April 2004]305-315
In vitro cloning of Cajanus cajan var. Bahar through prolific shoot bud differentiation in leaf segments and production of fertile plantsJain, M; Chaturvedi, H CIJBT Vol.3(2) [April 2004]258-262
In vitro control of fasciation in proliferating nucel1ar embryos of Mangifera indica L.var totapari red small for cloningChaturvedi, H C; Agnihotri, S; Sharllla, M; Sharma, A K; Jain, M; Chourasia, AIJEB Vol.41(11) [November 2003]1311-1316
In vitro high frequency regeneration of plantlets of Vigna mungo and their ex vitro growth Agnihotri, Savita; Singh, R R; Chaturvedi, H CIJEB Vol.39(09) [September 2001]916-920
Induced nucellar embryogenesis in vitro for clonal multiplication of Mangifera indica L. var. Ambalavi: A dwarfing rootstockChaturvedi, H C; Agnihotri, S; Sharma, M; Sharma, A K; Jain, M; Gupta, P; Chourasia, A; Kidwai, N RIJBT Vol.3(2) [April 2004]221-228
Production of cloned trees of Populus deltoides through in vitro regeneration of shoots from leaf, stem and root explants and their field cultivationChaturvedi, H C; Sharma, A K; Agha, B Q; Jain, M; Sharma, MIJBT Vol.3(2) [April 2004]203-208
Some Aspects of Biotechnology Relevant in the National ContextChaturvedi, H C; Agnihotri, SavitaIJBT Vol.01(1) [January 2002]17-28