Browsing by Author Chanotiya, C S

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Chemical composition of Inula cuspidata C.B. ClarkeMathela, C S; Tiwari, A; Padalia, R C; Chanotiya, C SIJCB Vol.47B(8) [August 2008]1249-1253
Composition of a new chemotype of Tanacetum nubigenumChanotiya, C S; Sammal, S S; Mathela, C SIJC-B Vol.44B(09) [September 2005]1922-1926
Chemical perspective of Tagar‒An Ayurvedic drug Mathela, C S; Chanotiya, C S; Sati, S; Tiwari, M; Sammal, S SIJTK Vol.05(4) [October 2006]474-477