Browsing by Author Chandra, Kailash

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Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
Cation distribution in the nano size aluminium substituted cobalt ferrites using XRD, magnetic and Mössbauer spectral studiesSinghal, Sonal; Barthwal, S K; Chandra, KailashIJPAP Vol.45(10) [October 2007]821-825
Effect of Mixtures of Cationic & Anionic Surfactants on Kinetics of Electrode Reaction of Indium (III)Bala, (Km) Indu; Chandra, Kailash; Singh, MukhtarIJC-A Vol.22A(12) [December 1983]1037-1040
Effect of Some Ionic & Non-ionic Surfactants on Kinetics of Irreversible Electrode Reactions of o-, m- & p-NitrochlorobenzenesShakya, Sarnam Singh; Chandra, Kailash; Singh, MukhtarIJC-A Vol.21A(04) [April 1982]411-413
Ethno-medicinal use of monitor lizard Varanus bengalensis (Daudin, 1802) by the ‘Adi’ tribe at East Siang, Arunachal PradeshKumar, Gandla Chethan; Jyrwa, Joanica Delicia; Jabin, Gul; Sharma, Lalit Kumar; Thakur, Mukesh; Chandra, KailashIJTK Vol.20(3) [July 2021]749-753
Kinetics of Irreversible Electrode Reactions of o-, m- & p-Nitrophenols at Dropping Mercury Electrode in Presence of Ionic & Non-ionic SurfactantsChandra, Kailash; Singh, MukhtarIJC-A Vol.20A(06) [June 1981]579-583
Mössbauer and infrared studies of manganese doped iron borate glassesLal, Roshan; Sharma, N D; Sharma, H K; Chandra, KailashIJPAP Vol.42(01) [January 2004]25-30
Mössbauer and infrared studies of some glasses and glass-ceramics from the XMnO(40-X)YFe2O3.10Al2O3.50B2O3 systemLal, Roshan; Sharma, N D; Chandra, KailashIJPAP Vol.42(07) [July 2004]498-505
Mössbauer, X-ray and magnetization studies of basic volcanic and hyperbasal rocksLal, Roshan; Sharma, N D; Taneja, S P; Chandra, KailashIJPAP Vol.43(02) [February 2005]119-122
Polarographic Maxima of Nitrobenzoic Acids & Their Suppression by Some Ionic & Non-ionic SurfactantsChandra, Kailash; Shakya, Sarnam Singh; Singh, MukhtarIJC-A Vol.21A(04) [April 1982]407-409
Polarographic Studies on the Effect of Increasing Concentrations of Some Complex Forming Agents on the Kinetics of the Irreversible Electrode Reactions of Co(II), Dioxouranium(VI), In(III) & Th(IV)Dubey, Mahesh Chandra; Chandra, Kailash; Shakya, Sarnam Singh; Singh, MukhtarIJC-A Vol.20A(11) [November 1981]1145-1148
Polarographic Studies on the Effect of Some Ionic & Non-ionic Surfactants on Kinetics of Irreversible Electrode Reactions of o- ,m-& p-NitrotoluenesChandra, Kailash; Shakya, Sarnam Singh; Singh, MukhtarIJC-A Vol.21A(03) [March 1982]254-258
Report on status of invasive Tubastraea coccinea Lesson, 1829 in Andaman and Nicobar Islands, IndiaMondal, Tamal; Raghunathan, C.; Chandra, KailashIJMS Vol.47(11) [November 2018]2241-2247
Status survey of scleractinian corals at Long Island and adjoining areas of Middle Andaman ArchipelagoMondal, Tamal; Raghunathan, C.; Chandra, KailashIJMS Vol.48(10) [October 2019]1556-1566