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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Assessment of genetic fidelity of micropropagated apple rootstock plants, EMLA 111, using RAPD markersGupta, R; Modgil, M; Chakrabarti, S KIJEB Vol.47(11) [November 2009]925-928
Brightening of grey jute-Mechanism and applicationChakrabarti, S K; Ghosh, B S; Adhikari, D; Kundu, A BIJFTR Vol.20(3) [September 1995]156-160
Characterization of chlorinated organic material in Eucalyptus pulp bleaching effluentsRoy, M; Chakrabarti, S K; Bharadwaj, N K; Chandra, Sandip; Kumar, Sanjay; Singh, Sarabjeet; Bajpai, P K; Jauhari, M BJSIR Vol.63(06) [June 2004]527-535
Estimation of tannin in jute and allied fibresGhosh, B S; Chakrabarti, S K; Kundu, A B; Ghosh, B LIJFTR Vol.15(2) [June 1990]84-85
Generation of Chlorinated Organic Material in Eucalyptus Pulp Bleaching Using Different Bleaching SequencesRoy, M; Chakrabarti, S K; Bharadwaj, N K; Chandra, Sandip; Kumar, Sanjay; Singh, Sarabjeet; Bajpai, P K; Jauhari, M BJSIR Vol.62(07) [July 2003]707-713
Genetic diversity and differentiation of Indian isolates of Phytophthora infestans as revealed by RAPD analysisAtheya, Ila; Singh, B P; Chakrabarti, S K; Pattanayak, DIJEB Vol.43(09) [September 2005]817-823
Genetic similarity analysis and identification of Indian potato cultivars by random amplified polymorphic DNAs*Chakrabarti, S K; Birhman, R K; Pattanayak, DIJEB Vol.37(11) [November 1999]1123-1128
Improvement in brightness and fineness of jute fibre by treatment with EDTA and polysaccharide-degrading enzymesChakrabarti, S K; Ghosh, B S; Kundu, A B; Ghosh, B LIJFTR Vol.16(2) [June 1991]154-158
Improvement in properties of jute fibre by treatment with polysaccharide-degrading enzymesKundu, A B; Ghosh, B S; Chakrabarti, S K; Ghosh, B LIJFTR Vol.18(2) [June 1993]101-103
RAPD analysis of genetic variability in Pinus gerardiana Wall. in Kinnaur (Himachal Pradesh)Kant, Anil; Pattanayak, D; Chakrabarti, S K; Sharma, Rajan; Thakur, Manisha; Sharma, D RIJBT Vol.5(1) [January 2006]62-67
Silicate-free bleaching of jute - Stabilization of peroxide by DTPMPAGhosh, B S; Kundu, A B; Chakrabarti, S K; Sikdar, BIJFTR Vol.20(4) [December 1995]196-201
Specially treated woven jute geotextiles for river bank protectionChakrabarti, S K; Saha, S G; Paul, Palash; Dewan, A R; Das, Koushik; Chowdhury, P K; Gon, D P; Ray, PrabirIJFTR Vol.41(2) [June 2016]207-211