Browsing by Author Behera, B K

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3-Dimensional weavingBehera, B K; Mishra, RajeshIJFTR Vol.33(3) [September 2008]274-287
Characterization and classification of fabric defects using discrete cosine transformation and artificial neural networkBehera, B K; Mani, M PIJFTR Vol.32(4) [December 2007]421-426
Comfort properties of non-conventional light weight worsted suiting fabricsBehera, B K; Mishra, RajeshIJFTR Vol.32(1) [March 2007]72-79
Comfort properties of suiting fabricsNayak, R K; Punj, S K; Chatterjee, K N; Behera, B KIJFTR Vol.34(2) [June 2009]122-128
Comparative analysis of size materials and their weaving potentialBehera, B K; Mishra, Rajesh; Nakum, SanjayIJFTR Vol.33(2) [June 2008]132-138
Computer controlled warp patterning on sectional warping machineHari, P K; Behera, B KIJFTR Vol.33(3) [September 2008]318-325
Designing terry fabric for improved serviceabilitySingh, J P; Behera, B KIJFTR Vol.43(4) [December 2018]415-420
Development of reinforced paper laminates using bhindi fibresAgrawal, Ashwini K; Behera, B K; Abbas, JaheerIJFTR Vol.29(1) [March 2004]49-56
Developments in weaving machinesHari, P K; Behera, B KSpecial issue: IJFTR Vol.19(3) [September 1994]172-176
Effect of crease behaviour, drape and formability on appearance of light weight worsted suiting fabricsBehera, B K; Mishra, RajeshIJFTR Vol.32(3) [September 2007]319-325
Effect of different blending methods and blending stages on properties of Milange yarnBehera, B K; Hari, P K; Bansal, Seema; Singh, RahulIJFTR Vol.22(2) [June 1997]84-88
Effect of residual extensibility of polyester filament yarn on low-stress mechanical properties of fabricSingh, Mukesh Kumar; Behera, B KIJFTR Vol.43(1) [March 2018]53-58
Effect of some machine variables on structure and properties of polyester-viscose air-jet spun yarnPunj, S K; Moitra, Koushik; Behera, B KIJFTR Vol.23(2) [June 1998]85-93
Engineering design of polyester-viscose blended suiting fabrics using radial basis function network: Part I — Prediction of fabric low-stress mechanical propertiesBehera, B K; Muttagi, S BIJFTR Vol.31(3) [September 2006]401-408
Engineering design of polyester-viscose blended suiting fabrics using radial basis function network: Part II—Prediction of fabric constructional parameters from its propertiesBehera, B K; Muttagi, S BIJFTR Vol.31(4) [December 2006]489-495
Engineering design of woven fabrics—A recent approachBehera, B K; Muttagi, S BIJFTR Vol.27(3) [September 2002]315-322
Fabric low-stress mechanical properties and drapabilitySharma, Kaushal Raj; Behera, B K; Roedel, H; Schenk, AndreaIJFTR Vol.29(1) [March 2004]57-61
Fabric quality evaluation by objective measurementBehera, B K; Hari, P KSpecial issue: IJFTR Vol.19(3) [September 1994]168-171
Influence of softening treatments on hand value of woven fabrics produced from Indian wool and their blendsShakyawar, D B; Behera, B KIJFTR Vol.34(1) [March 2009]76-81
Low-stress behaviour and sewability of suiting and shirting fabricsBehera, B K; Sharma, SurajIJFTR Vol.23(4) [December 1998]233-241