Browsing by Author Basu, Sujit

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Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Along track dynamical topography by Geosat, ERS-1 and Topex/Poseidon altimeters with a new geoid modelGairola, RM; Basu, Sujit; Pandey, PC; Panda, TCIJMS Vol.27(1) [March 1998]17-25
Assimilation of satellite altimeter data in a multilayer Indian Ocean circulation modelBasu, Sujit; Bhatt, Vihang; Kumar, Raj; Agarwal, Vijay K.IJMS Vol.32(3) [September 2003]181-193
Impact of altimeter-derived river discharge on Bay of Bengal salinity: A case study for 1998 and 2002Sharma, Rashmi; Agarwal, Neeraj; Kumar, Raj; Basu, SujitIJMS Vol.44(10) [October 2015]1489-1494
Improvement in wave forecast using data assimilative coastal wave modelBhowmick, Suchandra A; Kumar, Raj; Basu, Sujit; Sarkar, Abhijit; Agarwal, Vijay KIJMS Vol.38(2) [June 2009]142-150
Intraseasonal thermocline variability in the Equatorial Indian OceanMankad, Bhasha M.; Sharma, Rashmi; Basu, Sujit; Pal, P. K.IJMS Vol.43(1) [January 2014]50-53
Retrieval of moisture profiles using satellite measurements of precipitable water and study of their impact on numerical weather prediction modelsBasu, Sujit; Gairola, R M; Kishtwal, C M; Pandey, P C; Bohra, A K; Rajan, D; Mitra, A KIJRSP Vol.26(2) [April 1997]49-76
Retrieval of water vapour profiles from radio occultation refractivity using artificial neural networkShyam, Abhineet; Gohil, B S; Basu, SujitIJRSP Vol.42(6) [December 2013]411-419
Satellite altimetric detection of Somali eddies by signal processing techniqueBasu, Sujit; Gairola, R M; Varma, A K; Gautam, N; Pandey, P CIJMS Vol.22(3) [September 1993]188-193
Use of ERS-1 scatterometer and Topex altimeter data in a nonlinear reduced gravity model of the northwestern Indian OceanTewari, Kalpana; Kumar, Raj; Gohil, B S; Basu, SujitIJMS Vol.29(1) [March 2000]1-6
Variational data assimilation in a reduced gravity model of the northwestern Indian Ocean: Experiment with Kelvin wavesBasu, Sujit; Kumar, Raj; Gairola, R.M.; Pandey, P.C.IJMS Vol.26(3) [September 1997]263-270
Variational data assimilation in ocean model: A simulation experimentKumar, Raj; Basu, Sujit; Pandey, PCIJMS Vol.27(1) [March 1998]52-59