Browsing by Author Banerjee, P K

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Chemometric approach to optimize cellulase treatment of cotton knitsGulrajani, M L; Sinha, Sanjeev; Banerjee, P K; Chakrobarty, MIJFTR Vol.22(1) [March 1997]30-37
A comparative study on quality of acrysorb and cotton terrysock fabrics produced from ring, rotor and dref-3 yarnsSalhotra, K R; Banerjee, P K; Gowda, R V MIJFTR Vol.25(4) [December 2000]246-250
The construction of a knitted filter bag fabricBanerjee, P K; Balasiddhartha, S KSpecial issue: IJFTR Vol.22(4) [December 1997]305-317
Development of textile products for protection and enhancement of environmentBanerjee, P KIJFTR Vol.26(1-2) [March-June 2001]214-222
Dialysis of shellac solutionBanerjee, P K; Srivastava, B C; Kumar, ShravanIJCT Vol.02(3) [May 1995]167-170
Diurnal Distributions of Multipath Fading on 11 GHz Line-of-Sight Link in Northern IndiaBanerjee, P K; Chakrabarti, Sumana; Singh, Jagdish; Narang, N KIJRSP Vol.17(5) [October 1988]179-182
Doppler technique for detection of victims buried under earthquake rubbleBanerjee, P K; Sengupta, AIJPAP Vol.41(12) [December 2003]970-974
Estimation of tropospheric time delay over DelhiBhattacharya, Sumana; Banerjee, P K; Reddy, B MIJRSP Vol.19(1) [February 1990]25-28
Geosynthetics: Recent developmentsRao, G Venkatappa; Banerjee, P KSpecial issue: IJFTR Vol.22(4) [December 1997]318-336
Influence of yarn torsional rigidity on dimensions of cotton knitted loopsBanerjee, P K; Bhat, PIJFTR Vol.31(3) [September 2006]409-414
Investigations into homogeneity of coir fibresBanerjee, P K; Chattopadhyay, R; Guha, AIJFTR Vol.27(2) [June 2002]111-116
Mechanics of 1x1 rib loop formation on a dial and cylinder machine: Part II-Measurement of cam forceRay, Sadhan Chandra; Banerjee, P KIJFTR Vol.28(3) [September 2003]239-245
Mechanics of 1×1 rib loop formation on a dial and cylinder machine: Part I- Modelling of the 1×1 rib loop formation processRay, Sadhan Chandra; Banerjee, P KIJFTR Vol.28(2) [June 2003]185-196
Mechanics of 1×1 rib loop formation on a dial and cylinder machine: Part III - Validation of the modelRay, Sadhan Chandra; Banerjee, P KIJFTR Vol.28(3) [September 2003]246-259
Mechanics of 1×1 rib loop formation process on a dial and cylinder machine under delayed timingsRay, Sadhan Chandra; Banerjee, P KIJFTR Vol.37(1) [March 2012]39-45
Mechanics of 1×1 rib loop formation process on a dial and cylinder machine – Analysis of modelled systemRay, Sadhan Chandra; Banerjee, P KIJFTR Vol.37(2) [June 2012]138-145
Microwave Line-of-sight Link-Tornado EffectRamakrishna, M; Banerjee, P K; Sarkar, S K; Dutta, H NIJRSP Vol.09(3) [June 1980]97-100
A new velocity dependent variable hysteresis-margin-based call handover schemeBhattacharya, P P; Banerjee, P KIJRSP Vol.35(5) [October 2006]368-371
Production method and characteristics of braided PVDBanerjee, P K; Kumar, J P Sampath; Rao, G VenkatappaIJFTR Vol.25(3) [September 2000]182-194
Propagation of Transionospheric Radio Beam Waves through a Turbulent LayerMohan, Mahendra; Banerjee, P K; Reddy, B MIJRSP Vol.17(3) [June 1988]108-113