Browsing by Author Arora, R K

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Showing results 1 to 18 of 18
An Assessment of the Characteristics of Medullated and Non-medullated Wool FibresGupta, N P; Arora, R K; Verma, G KIJFTR Vol.06(2) [June 1981]92-95
Characteristics and Processing Performance of Pineapple Leaf FibreArora, R K; Gupta, N P; Patni, P CIJFTR Vol.10(3) [September 1985]125-126
Computer-aided statistical module for hand-knotted carpetsShakyawar, D B; Gupta, N P; Patni, P C; Arora, R KIJFTR Vol.33(4) [December 2008]405-410
Effect of Storage on Wool Quality: Part I-Tensile and Bulk Resiliency Behaviour of Stored Wool FibresMalhi, R S; Patni, P C; Bapna, D L; Arora, R K; Singh, V PIJFTR Vol.06(3) [September 1981]129-132
End-Use Performance of Some Indian and Crossbred Sheep WoolsPatni, P C; Pokharna, A K; Bapna, D L; Parthasarathy, S; Mathur, J P; Arora, R K; Malhi, R S; Singh, V PIJFTR Vol.06(3) [September 1981]124-128
Evaluation of Wool/polypropylene BlendsKalsy, S; Arora, R KIJFTR Vol.08(3) [September 1983]85-88
Influence of fibre and constructional parameters on functional properties of hand-woven carpetsPatni, P C; Arora, R K; Dhillon, R S; Bapna, D LIJFTR Vol.21(3) [September 1996]189-193
Influence of Medullated Fibres on Mechanical Processing and Product PerformanceGupta, N P; Patni, P C; Arora, R K; Singh, U SIJFTR Vol.12(1) [March 1987]46-52
Influence of tuft constitution on performance properties of hand-woven carpetsArora, R K; Patni, P C; Dhillon, R S; Bapna, D LIJFTR Vol.24(2) [June 1999]111-114
Knitting Performance of Indian Crossbred Sheep WoolsArora, R K; Patni, P C; Pokharna, A KIJFTR Vol.06(1) [March 1981]28-32
Performance of Rabbit Hair Blended Speciality Fibre YarnsPatni, P C; Gupta, N P; Arora, R K; Singh, U SIJFTR Vol.09(2) [June 1984]77-79
Performance of Rabbit Hair Blends with Cotton and Wool in Khadi SystemArora, R K; Gupta, N P; Patni, P C; Singh, U SIJFTR Vol.08(4) [December 1983]127-129
Performance of Rabbit Hair-Wool Blend ShawlsSingh, U S; Arora, R K; Patni, P C; Gupta, N PIJFTR Vol.08(4) [December 1983]125-126
Performance of Rabbit Hair-Wool Blended KnitwearsArora, R K; Gupta, N P; Patni, P C; Singh, U SIJFTR Vol.09(1) [March 1984]30-31
Processing Ramie on Worsted SystemPatni, P C; Gupta, N P; Arora, R KIJFTR Vol.10(3) [September 1985]127-128
Relationship between Single Fibre Strength and Behaviour of Yarns and FabricsPatni, P C; Bapna, D L; Pokharna, A K; Mathur, J P; Singh, V P; Arora, R K; Malhi, R SIJFTR Vol.04(4) [December 1979]145-148
Study of Bending Characteristics of Knitted Fabrics Using Cantilever MethodArora, R K; Parthasarathy, SIJFTR Vol.08(1) [March 1983]27-28
Variability of Fibre Fineness and Moisture Regain in Agmark Graded WoolArora, R K; Pokharna, A K; Bapna, D L; Singh, V PIJFTR Vol.06(4) [December 1981]169-170