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An Accurate Method for Determining Inhibition Period of Vinyl Acetate MonomerRao, V K; Singh, R P; Bisarya, S CIJC-A Vol.24A(08) [August 1985]685-687
Acid Dissociation Constants of Electronically Excited CoumarinsArora, Harish K; Aggarwal, Anita R; Singh, R PIJC-A Vol.21A(08) [August 1982]844
Assessing the status of sealed fire in underground coal minesRay, S K; Singh, R P; Sahay, N; Varma, N KJSIR Vol.63(07) [July 2004]579-591
Auroral and low latitude VLF hissSingh, D K; Patel, R P; Singh, R PIJRSP Vol.30(1) [February 2001]24-30
Blending of edible oils with Pomegranate seed oil- An approach to improve the quality by incorporating ω-5 fatty acidPamisetty, Aruna; Singh, R PIJTK Vol.22(3) [July 2023]594-603
Cerenkov Radiation from Artificially Injected Electron Beam into the IonosphereSingh, R PIJRSP Vol.07(2) [April 1978]80-83
Cloning of adult trrees of Jamun (Syzygium cuminii)Rathore, Vinod; Shekhawat, N S; Singh, R P; Rathore, J S; Dagla, H RIJBT Vol.3(2) [April 2004]241-245
Co-ordinated multistation VHF scintillation observations in India during March-April 1991Chandra, H; Vyas, G D; Rao, D R K; Pathan, B M; lype, A; Sekaran, B Ram; Naidu, A; Sadique, S M; Salgaonkar, C S; Tyagi, T R; Kumar, P N Vijay; Singh, Lakha; Iyer, K N; Pathak, K N; Gwal, A K; Kumar, Sushil; Singh, R P; Singh, U P; Singh, Birbal; Jain, V K; Navneeth, G N; Koparkar, P V; Rao, P V S Rama; Jaychandran, P T; Sriram, P; Rao, N Y S Santa; Gupta, A Das; Basu, K; Rastogi, R GIJRSP Vol.22(2) [April 1993]69-81
Comparison of pipelined IEEE-754 standard floating point adder with unpipelined adderKhare, Kavita; Singh, R P; Khare, NilayJSIR Vol.64(05) [May 2005]354-357
Comparison of pipelined IEEE-754 standard floating point multiplier with unpipelined multiplierKhare, Kavita; Singh, R P; Khare, NilayJSIR Vol.65(11) [November 2006]900-904
Comparison of space-based microwave polarization difference index and normalized difference vegetation index for crop growth monitoringSingh, R P; Dadhwal, V KIJRSP Vol.32(4) [August 2003]193-197
Compensation Behaviour of Ionic Surfactants in Binary SolventsSingh, H N; Singh, R P; Singh, SurendraIJC-A Vol.23A(08) [August 1984]677-679
Complexes of Iron(II), Cobalt(II), Nickel(II) & Copper(II) with 1-(2-Pyridylazo)-2-naphthol & -2-Phenanthrol & 1-(2-Quinolylazo)-2-phenanthrolKhulbe, R C; Singh, R P; Bhoon, Y KIJC-A Vol.22A(03) [March 1983]214-217
Computational studies for the effective electrical conductivity of Copper powder filled LDPE/LLDPE compositesSingh, R P; Singh, Sukhmander; Gill, Reenu; Kumar, Rishi; Sharma, Pradeep; Kumar, Gurupal; Luyt, Adriaan SIJPAP Vol.58(06) [June 2020]486-493
Cultivation of Aromatic Plants in Saline SoilsSingh, R P; Singh, R K; Singh, R SBVAAP Vol.12(1) [June 2004]114-115
Cultivation of Lemongrass (Cymbopogon flexuosus) in salt affected soilsSingh, R P; Singh, S N; Singh, R K; Yadav, Pankaj KumarBVAAP Vol.15(2) [December 2007]141-143
Dependency of incomplete fusion on target deformationGiri, Pankaj K; Singh, D; Linda, Sneha B; Mahato, Amritraj; Kumar, Harish; Tali, Suhail A; Ansari, M Afzal; Kumar, R; Singh, R P; Muralithar, SIJPAP Vol.57(08) [August 2019]552-556
Directional reflectance of vegetation targets: Simulation of its space measurements by coupling atmospheric and biophysical radiative transfer modelsPandya, M R; Singh, R P; Panigrahy, SIJRSP Vol.36(3) [June 2007]219-228
Disentangling of incomplete fusion dynamics at low energies ≈ 4-6 MeV/AGiri, Pankaj K; Mahato, Amritraj; Singh, D; Linda, Sneha B; Kumar, Harish; Tali, Suhail A; Ansari, M Afzal; Kumar, R; Muralithar, S; Singh, R PIJPAP Vol.58(05) [May 2020]371-375
Effect of projectile breakup in the system 19F + 154SmMahato, Amritraj; Giri, Pankaj K; Singh, D; Sharma, Nitin; Linda, Sneha B; Kumar, Harish; Tali, Suhail A; Deb, Nabendu K; Ansari, M Afzal; Kumar, R; Muralithar, S; Singh, R PIJPAP Vol.58(05) [May 2020]386-391