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Effective heating in heavily doped semiconductor devicesDe, S S; Ghosh, A K; Ghosh, T K; Jana, DIJPAP Vol.44(07) [July 2006]543-547
Field Solution for a Dipole in an Anisotropic Plasma MediumDe, S S; Sen, A CIJRSP Vol.16(2) [April 1987]207-211
Field solution within the ionospheric anisotropic plasma in presence of thunderstorm and lightningDe, S S; Paul, S N; De, M; De, B K; Bandyopadhyay1, BIJRSP Vol.37(1) [February 2008]51-56
Heating of Ionospheric Plasma during High Power Wave PropagationDe, S S; Bandyopadhyay, J; Bandyopadhyay, SIJRSP Vol.17(1) [February 1988]5-7
Measurement of ELF emission in the upper atmosphere over Kolkata due to Schumann resonances*De, S S; Saha, A K; De, MIJRSP Vol.33(1) [February 2004]32-34
Non-linear Interaction of Electromagnetic Waves in the IonosphereDe, S SIJRSP Vol.05(2) [June 1976]194-195
Non-linear Phenomena in the Ionosphere Traversed by High Power Radio WaveChakrabarti, A K; De, S SIJRSP Vol.11(6) [December 1982]236-239
Responses of meteorological parameters during August 24, 2016 Myanmar earthquakeGhosh, Abhijit; Hazra, Pranab; De, S S; Guha, G; Biswas, DebasishIJRSP Vol.49(1-2) [March-June 2020]5-12
Some studies of solar flare effects on the propagation of sferics and a transmitted signalDe, B K; De, S S; Bandyopadhyay, B; Paul, Suman; Barui, S; Haldar, D KIJRSP Vol.38(5) [October 2009]260-265
Studies on Heating of the Ionosphere during High Power Radio Wave PropagationDe, S S; Bandyopadhyay, J; Adhikari, S K; Paul, S NIJRSP Vol.16(3) [June 1987]286-290
Studies on non-linear heating of the lower ionosphere during interaction between HF and ELF signalsDe, S S; Adhikari, S K; Debnath, A; Das, P; De, B KIJRSP Vol.34(6) [December 2005]413-416
Studies on sferics over Kolkata in relation to rainy and winter seasonsDe, S S; De, B K; Adhikari, S K; Bandyopadhyay, B; Paul, Suman; Haldar, D K; Guha, AIJRSP Vol.38(3) [June 2009]143-149
Studies on the integrated field intensity of ELF-VLF sferics at Tripura *, IndiaDe, B K; Pal, M; De, S S; Bera, R; Adhikari, S K; Guha, A; Sarkar, S KIJRSP Vol.34(6) [December 2005]408-412
Study of amplitude spectrum of VLF sferics and vertical electric field at KolkataDe, S S; De, B K; Adhikari, S K; Sarkar, B K; Guha, AIJRSP Vol.35(3) [June 2006]187-192
A study on heating of the lower ionosphere during lightningDe, S S; Adhikari, S K; De, M; Bandyapadhyay, B; Guha, A; Paul, Suman; De, B KIJRSP Vol.37(2) [April 2008]109-113
Wave propagation through the upper atmosphere during ionospheric modificationDe, S S; Ghosh, B; Mal, Manasi; Ghosh, Bithika; Sarkar, B K; Adhikari, S KIJRSP Vol.20(2) [April 1991]107-113